Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Next New

The next new media is something really hard to define. Like Steve Jobs said people don't know they want something until you've shown them. We have many social media sites that bring together all types of people. From dating sites to selling your items there are too many to count for various things.
A new media would have to be something that would bring at least a million people to the site with a common interest or bring those people together to work towards a common goal.

The new media could be a site for tenants of a building to talk to each other and post problems in their apartments. The site could also be used to rate the building in terms of whether or not the building or the surrounding area is good. It could also be used to help people move in or out of the building.

Another possible new media could be a site for business owners in the area to talk to each other and figure out ways to bring in more customers. It would benefit all of businesses in the area to work together so that they can all increase their profits and increase their range of business to other areas. The possibilities are endless and you can't really pinpoint something that will be successful until it is actually put into place


  1. Thats an interesting idea Alejandro! I think it could be very beneficial to have a new media outlet to rate buildings, especially in New York City. As for the small business idea, i agree with you 100%. I work at a small business now, in a neighborhood that is filled with small businesses so that media outlet would be very helpful. And its so true how you mentioned the Steve Jobs quote! People really don't know what they want from media until the media is created and there for them to use.

  2. LOVE this idea....Where I live, the owner of our home owns several blocks of houses. I think it would not only be beneficial to the tenants but if we put an importance button on the site to notify the landlord with a text message, it may be a huge help as well.

  3. This is a great idea! I think utilizing our resources these days has really been a great method for becoming more close to our community which is what your ideas are implementing. We all have the same questions and I'm sure when people are looking for houses, they want these honest feedback which in the end might even encourage homeowners to improve their living situations. For apartment owners, they can look at these reviews to improve their tenant's homes and gain a better reputation.

    For business owners, I find it helpful because they can also collaborate on events and promotions to gain a bigger crowd or publicity.
