Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Blog about Twitter

Twitter is a quick way to open a discussion about the topic. The good thing about twitter is that anyone who uses twitter has a limit of characters so they make their points as concise as possible and the discussion benefits. However, the problem is that you can't really make a good argument within the limit and if you do it lacks information that could possibly help the discussion. Comparing it to blackboard or an in class discussion a twitter discussion leaves out information. The good thing about twitter is that it can include more people as opposed to a blackboard discussion which only allows students to post.

A blackboard discussion or an in class discussion has more depth and information to it than a twitter discussion and because of this twitter shouldn't be used to discuss a topic. An in class discussion is better because it allows everyone to get their ideas out and go in depth into why the think the way they do. A blackboard allows the same thing only difference is that one is online and the other isn't. However sometimes an in class discussion isn't always great because all the students might not be present. Twitter and blackboard allow all students to contribute even if they aren't physically in the classroom.

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