Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Creativity and New Media

I decided to try Second-Life for a little bit to see why people enjoy it. The first few minutes were the tutorials and all of that and after wards they throw you into the world and let you explore. For the first thirty minutes or so I explored the island I was on and nothing else. After that i started to talk to people and few of them were foreign countries like Brazil and Peru and others were from Germany and France and other European countries. They were friendly and taught me how to customize some basic things. The rest of the time we were talking about anything that came up at the time. Overall the experience was decent like flying through trees and all that however, I didn't really see the appeal to continue to play this and spend money on clothes pets and other things. The avatar I made at the beginning was honestly enough for me and the rest of it just seemed like a waste of time and money.
Second life allows you to be creative with who you are and what you are online and I see why people like playing it but it just doesn't have the same appeal for me.

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